What are the benefits of OSMORIA Geoclean in reservoir-structure pavements??
Clean infiltration: OSMORIA Geoclean depolluting aquatextile treats 100% of infiltrated rainwater.
Cost-effective, long-lasting, maintenance-free solution.
Performance of the OSMORIA Geoclean solution sized according to hydrocarbon inputs
Reservoir pavements
Reservoir pavements store stormwater below the infrastructure that generates it. This stormwater infiltration solution allows surface water to gradually infiltrate the subsoil when the latter is sufficiently permeable, or if it is not, to be discharged into another collection system at a controlled rate. They can be built in urban or peri-urban areas, generally under high-traffic surfaces such as parking lots or roads.
The European Water Framework Directive prohibits the discharge of all polluting substances from human activities directly into groundwater and water tables. Indeed, run-off water can contain pollutants that can adversely affect the water quality of surrounding watersheds, the ecology of habitats and drinking water resources.
As hydrocarbon pollution is constantly and sometimes significantly transported by runoff water, this water management solution should include pre-treatment of infiltrating water to intercept transported pollution and thus avoid damaging aquifers.
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