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Image by Hamza ERBAY


Hydrocarbon pollution of runoff water is a major environmental issue, especially in urban areas and along transportation infrastructures. Contaminants from road, rail, and airport activities flow into watercourses and groundwater, threatening the quality of soil, water, and biodiversity. OSMORIA de-polluting aquatextiles provide a long-lasting, maintenance-free solution by removing pollutants from rainwater as it infiltrates into the ground. 
Hydrocarbon pollution of runoff water is a major environmental issue, especially in urban areas and along transportation infrastructures. Contaminants from road, rail, and airport activities flow into watercourses and groundwater, threatening the quality of soil, water, and biodiversity. OSMORIA de-polluting aquatextiles provide a long-lasting, maintenance-free solution by removing pollutants from rainwater as it infiltrates into the ground. 

Roads and freeways 

Road networks, especially those passing through sensitive natural areas, are significant sources of pollution. Exhaust emissions degrade air quality, and rainwater runoff carries these pollutants into receiving waters. Initially, the focus was on controlling runoff quantity to prevent aquaplaning and soil erosion. However, today, managing the quality of runoff has become critical, as pollutants, particularly hydrocarbons, degrade water bodies and groundwater.

Using OSMORIA aquatextiles in runoff management is an economical and sustainable alternative to expensive centralized collection systems. This solution manages both the quantity and quality of runoff in a sustainable, maintenance-free way. 

60% of PAHs

found in runoff are classified as carcinogenic by the WHO/IARC.

GeoClean® Origin - Noue d'infiltration - Ayguemortes Les Graves (16).JPG

Parking lots, rest areas, bus stations, and service stations

In urban and suburban areas, impermeable surfaces in parking lots and around transport infrastructures, such as airports and freeways, prevent water infiltration. This runoff, loaded with hydrocarbons, is often discharged untreated into streams and rivers. Even in permeable areas around fuel distribution stations, heavy traffic and potential oil leaks create high-risk zones. 


By incorporating OSMORIA aquatextiles, stormwater management systems in urban and peri-urban areas can treat hydrocarbon pollution at its source, offering a nature-based solution. This approach is increasingly popular among designers and local authorities, who seek sustainable alternatives such as valleys, open infiltration basins, and permeable pavements. 

Did you know that a 400-space parking lot can spill up to

 200 liters of oil

each year? Just 1 liter of oil can contaminate up to 1 million liters of water. 


Rail infrastructures

Pollution from railways impacts the environment, as runoff is often discharged directly into surrounding ecosystems. Hydrocarbon emissions stem from both diffuse sources, such as operational losses, and concentrated sources like refueling areas and maintenance centers. These pollutants are transported into water bodies along the tracks. 


To reduce the environmental impact and risk of soil and water pollution, nature-based stormwater management solutions, combined with OSMORIA aquatextiles for pre-treatment, offer an efficient and cost-effective approach. Local management and treatment of hydrocarbons ensure that clean water infiltrates into the ground. 

GeoClean® Origin - Aéroport Toulouse Francazal (17) 2.JPG

Preventing pollution from run-off water in an expanded parking lot with OSMORIA

OSMORIA™ Indigreen aquatextile was installed in parking facilities at Hennessy's bottling plant to manage runoff, treat hydrocarbons and...

Autumn Road

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Airports, given their size and operations, must adhere to strict environmental regulations to manage stormwater pollution. Runoff water is typically collected in dedicated networks and discharged while maintaining the hydraulic balance of the outlet. The impermeable surfaces at airports- such as runways, taxiways, aprons, and refueling areas—are prone to accumulating pollutants. 

Airports often sit near large bodies of water and wetlands that support diverse ecosystems. Investing in OSMORIA aquatextile systems for stormwater management helps reduce the environmental impact of runoff and mitigates the risk of pollution from de-icing fluids, oil leaks, and fuel spills.

1 liter

of hydrocarbons is carried by runoff annually over an area of 1,000 m²

GeoClean® Noue HAROPA Port - Rouen 76 3.jpg


Ports—whether maritime, commercial, fishing, or military—impact both local and global environments. Pollution stems from various sources, including ships (hydraulic fluid spills), port facilities (bunkering stations, pipelines), and port users (yachtsmen, industries). In direct contact with marine ecosystems, ports must take steps to reduce their environmental footprint. 


Airports and ports can lower their environmental impact by implementing OSMORIA aquatextile solutions for hydrocarbon treatment. Direct infiltration of treated water through infiltration trenches, ditches, or open basins reduces the risk of contaminating water bodies and ecosystems. 

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Buildings Reflecting on Water

Preventing pollution from run-off water in an expanded parking lot with OSMORIA

OSMORIA™ Indigreen aquatextile was installed in parking facilities at Hennessy's bottling plant to manage runoff, treat hydrocarbons and...

Buildings Reflecting on Water

Redevelopment of a residential parking area

In Coignères, France, Seqens redeveloped parking areas at the Acacias residence using OSMORIA™ Indigreen to manage stormwater runoff

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